SustainabilityCorporate Social Responsibility
[E] Consideration of global environment
We strive to operate facilities and offer services, keep in mind the conservation of the natural environment, countermeasures against climate change, and other burdens on the global environment.
Global warming countermeasures
At its approximately 130 directly operated sports clubs and nursing and rehabilitation facilities, RENAISSANCE tackles the challenge of reducing CO2 emissions and has achieved CO2 emissions reduction every year since 2013. In the management of each facility, the rationalization of energy use is progressing, and we are aiming to achieve low-energy operations. By eliminating unnecessary energy use, we are implementing an environmentally friendly and ecological Green Renaissance Project. Going forward, the company is determined to realize carbon neutrality through greening of its facilities, proper operational settings of electrical facilities, utilization of reusable energy, etc.
Eco that can be seen
Implementation of LED lighting
Each of our facilities uses the latest LED lighting.
Training gym
Tennis courts
Introduction of EV buses
On September 1, 2020, RENAISSANCE and TEPCO Energy Partner, Incorporated started operating a V2X* system to introduce an EV bus for club pick-ups at the Sports Club & Spa Renaissance Inage 24, which can be used as an emergency power supply for lighting of facilities and water supply in the event of a disaster.
In Japan, this is the first deployment of a V2X system that utilizes an EV bus and that can be used for diverse power supplies including water supply, etc. in addition to lighting.
*Abbreviation of Vehicle to X, meaning that an automobile feeds power to X (object).

Eco that cannot be seen
Temperature management in the gym area of our sports clubs
Air temperature inside the facility is managed on a seasonal schedule as shown below, to carry out energy reduction.
Gym temperature
*In the sports club facility areas, there are a variety of other initiatives in place in addition to this temperature regulation, and we are carrying out energy reduction activities with the cooperation of all of our users.
TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)
At RENAISSANCE, the board of directors receives a report on climate change and is responsible for its supervision. In addition, the company also studies the possibility of establishing a special committee on climate change.
Going forward, RENAISSANCE will conduct a significant evaluation of climate change-related risks and opportunities, identify those with high priority as “important risks” and fully disclose them.
Risk Management
We will identify corporate-wide risks on climate change on an annual basis. A management process of risks to be selected is under consideration and will be disclosed in the future. Its integration process into corporate-wide risk management is also under consideration, which will be disclosed from now on, too.
Indicators and targets
We will study indicators for evaluations of climate change. As for GHG emissions, we are disclosing the actual results of Scope 1 and 2 as outlined below. We plan to collect information on GHG emissions, etc. and disclose actual results and target values in the future.
GHG emissions
Since FY2012, RENAISSANCE has been measuring GHG emissions of all of its directly-operated facilities including the head office. While the number of directly-operated facilities is increasing, GHG emissions have shown a decreasing tendency.

Items to be studied for disclosure going forward
In addition to items specified as “Items to be studied for disclosure going forward,” we are also considering an expansion of the range of disclosure about scenario analyses as well as the financial impacts caused by individual risks and opportunities.
Report on Implementation of Global Warming Countermeasures
Report on Implementation of Global Warming Countermeasures
- [Related link]
Conservation of natural environment
We thank the blessings of nature for all aspects of corporate activities and strive to hand down the global environment to future generations. In addition, we effectively utilize limited resources and address the challenge of making contrivances to reduce waste.
Starting initiatives from familiar things
The tennis balls used at the indoor tennis schools run by this company at locations all over the country are being contributed to elementary and middle schools for reuse through a cooperative initiative with the NPO Global Sport Alliance.
In order to maintain a certain level of quality at our company’s schools, new tennis balls are purchased every two months, and as a result, large numbers of used tennis balls that were still in good condition needed to be disposed of.
By simply attaching these tennis balls to the legs of desks and chairs, friction sounds against the floor are greatly reduced, making the classroom quieter. This in term improves the study environment for children, helping them to concentrate more. This initiative has been very well-received.